Presentation skills – webinar

During practical exercises, participants will improve their non-verbal communication and voice and learn how to logically arrange the content and make it convincing and interesting for the audience.

Upon completion of the program, participants will:

  • be able to successfully profile the audience and thus attract and retain their attention,
  • learn how to adapt your argument to your audience,
  • strengthen your voice and sharpen your pronunciation,
  • use non-verbal signs for the most convincing speech performance,
  • learn how to get rid of stage fright before public speaking and
  • train for a successful public performance in front of the camera

Zdravka Biočina, doc. dr. sc.

June 5, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m
Filipa Vukasovića Street 1, Zagreb

The price of participation is 150 EUR + VAT.

If you register by May 29, you get a 15% discount on the regular price, and if you register as a couple, we offer you a 25% discount on both registration fees.

For two purchased registration fees, you get the third FREE (exclusively for applications until May 29)

Apply via the link: